Mobile Order Management
The "Mobile Order Management" app, or MOM for short, ensures that drivers at Saubermacher maintain an overview. All order processing is done digitally, enabling more efficient planning and facilitating autonomous work.

Analog order processing
Order processing and the organization of transports at Saubermacher were characterized by many manual and paper-intensive process steps. Delivery, weighing and consignment bills and routing slips were printed, checked and approved by hand. As a result, deviations and additional services could often not be adequately documented and invoiced. Extensive and time-consuming training of the drivers was necessary, since efficient driving was only possible with know-how and experience.

The new digital process
Saubermacher identified the errors and time wasters in its daily processes and recognized the opportunity to eliminate them through digitalization. From these findings, the idea for the tablet app was born. In collaboration with Denovo, the concept for the Mobile Order Management System ("MOM") was developed on this basis. MOM is an app that ensures standardized and paperless order processing for 400 employees in the operational area and acts as an on-board computer in the trucks.
There is a tablet in each vehicle on which the app is used and thus accompanies the drivers throughout the entire journey. In addition to the standard process, detailed reporting and uniform key performance indicators have been introduced. Changes in waste disposal or additional services can be documented directly in the app with photos and charged simply with a click. The standardization saves the drivers time and the effort can be reduced considerably. Thanks to the connection to the ERP system, immediate data transfer is possible. In this way, the "order to cash" process is mapped in real time and changes can be reacted to immediately. The accurate documentation provided by the digital application also means that much more useful data is available to management than was previously the case. Based on this data, informed "make or buy" decisions can be made.
Satisfied users
Throughout the development of the app using the SCRUM method, drivers:inside were involved in hardware and software decisions to ensure that the result is optimally suited to real-world use. The detailed route documentation also replaces time-consuming training and even inexperienced drivers can carry out high-quality journeys right from the start.
The system is constantly being further developed and optimized. Denovo has been supporting Saubermacher in complex and innovative digitalization projects for years. Starting with open order platforms, portals and backend systems for process digitalization and automation, through to innovation projects, digital deposit systems or AI. The intensive partnership offers the possibility to link the different platforms and applications in the future to further optimize the process.

How did Denovo contribute to the project?
Support throughout the entire journey from the customer's idea to the optimal application.
Native Android App Development with Kotlin and Java
Connection to SAP interfaces
How our customers benefit
Durch MOM werden entlang des Prozesses der Auftragsabwicklung 25 bis 30 Prozent an Ressourcen durch optimale Planung und Koordination eingespart. Es werden zudem nahezu keine Dokumente in gedruckter Form mehr benötigt und nur noch 6% der Lieferscheine unterschrieben, da durch Geo- und Zeitstempel die Aufträge vom Kunden/von der Kundin als erledigt angesehen werden. Saubermacher spart dadurch jährlich eine bemerkenswerte Summe von 30.000 - 50.000 € an Papierkosten. Aufgrund des exzenllenten User Interfaces und der Direktanbindung an den ERP Prozess konnten 1,5 % Mehrumsätze erzielt werden, denen keine zusätzlichen Kosten gegenüberstehen.
About Saubermacher
Saubermacher is an Austrian service provider in the field of circular economy, waste disposal and recycling with the claim to make a contribution to an environment worth living in every day. Saubermacher's vision is Zero Waste. In doing so, it focuses on R&D, digital innovations and partnerships.
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