Benefit from our industry know-how
From the customer portal to the complex portal for IoT sensor technology, we implement your idea around digitalization in the circular economy with state-of-the-art technologies and agile software development.
Through individual applications, you improve the productivity of your processes and increase turnover at the same time.
We work with you to identify new digital business models and support you through optimal technical implementation.
Mobile order management
Digital material transfer
Business and consumer portals
Trading platforms for materials
Municipal apps
Recycling apps
Material flow management
IoT Waste collection
Recyclable material scanning
Tour planning and tracking apps
New business models
Your idea?
Download our Whitepaper now
Find out in our white paper how agile digitalization has brought innovative waste management companies forward, such as Saubermacher, Loacker, Thommen, Berliner Stadtreinigung, ARA or Reclay.

How we help
companies to succeed
Free advice on your next digital product
We will be happy to consult and support you in your project.