
Scanners installed in the garbage truck analyze the material composition of the collected waste. This collates information and data that can then be displayed via a communication portal.


Too many "misthrows"

The quality of the waste composition along the disposal process often leaves much to be desired. According to current analyses, up to 70% of incorrect waste still ends up in residual waste. This often involves waste paper or plastic packaging on the one hand, and biowaste on the other, which consequently can no longer be reused.

Waste contains valuable and recyclable materials. However, the prerequisite for an efficient circular economy is proper waste separation. Therefore, Saubermacher has constructed the recyclables scanner in cooperation with the Graz University of Technology. The collected data is processed on the basis of a platform developed by Denovo.


Scanning and evaluation

The recyclables scanner is located in the superstructure, i.e. the rear part, of the truck and visually records the waste as it is poured. On the way to the compactor, images are captured with multispectral and infrared cameras. The resulting data is sent to a digital platform, where it is bundled and evaluated using artificial intelligence (AI). The evaluation is based on self-learning algorithms. The data is evaluated on an ongoing basis. In this way, the AI continuously learns to assess the contents of the garbage can even more accurately. An assessment of the quality of the trash is the result.


On the platform, a communication tool makes it possible to give disposal companies, partners and citizens access to the "Smart Waste" data. In addition, individual reports on waste generation, material distribution and separation rates can be provided and broken down to individual neighborhoods, zones and streets.

In this way, repeated occurrences of misdirected waste are quickly identified and citizens receive feedback on their separation behavior. They are also informed when the separation rate improves.


How did Denovo contribute to the project?

Hardware competence

Successful interaction of sensors, algorithm and software

Software development

Development of a web-based portal with communication tool

DevOps & Operation

Operation of the cloud infrastructure and support of the application

How our customers benefit

The use of the recyclables scanner in some project regions in Austria showed that direct feedback reduced the number of incorrectly discarded items by an average of 50 percent, and by up to 80 percent at the maximum. Together with Saubermacher's Waste Collection Portal, the recyclables scanner ensures greater efficiency and higher environmental protection.

About Saubermacher

Saubermacher is an Austrian service provider in the field of circular economy, waste disposal and recycling with the claim to make a contribution to an environment worth living in every day. Saubermacher's vision is Zero Waste. In doing so, it focuses on R&D, digital innovations and partnerships.

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