Output planning tool

Complete digitization of the input and output flows of different fractions.

With the output planning tool, Denovo has created an innovative solution for digitizing the material flows within a recycling company. Planning is carried out by means of separate tickets, which can be processed in different stages by the respective responsible departments. This results in a completely digital process.


Lack of overview and high error rate

Before the development of the platform, the entire process was predominantly mapped in analog form and using different Excel files. This led to a high error rate due to the manual administration of the data. The process was extremely inefficient and confusing for the users.

Communication within the analog process and the exchange of data took place via e-mail.

The overview of input and output flows was hardly given by the analog process and was difficult to understand.


Complete digital process across all departments involved.

Advance planning and requirements are determined via a digital portal in a structured process, which makes the deployment planning for material movements transparent and clear for everyone involved.

The individual partners or sites register their material requirements digitally, which are then centrally managed and scheduled in the material flow. Additional documents (e.g. laboratory analyses) can be stored with the respective ticket and all departments involved have access to the information, depending on the status.

In addition to internal logistics, orders can also be placed with external logistics partners via the platform, allowing the input and output flows to be fully mapped.

As possible extensions, reporting and BI solutions can be connected and the economic key figures of the respective orders can be evaluated.


How did Denovo contribute to the project?

UI & UX design

Development of an interface with optimal usability

Platform development

Development of a web-based portal

DevOps & operation

Operation of the cloud infrastructure and support of the application

How our customers benefit

The implementation of the web portal has made it possible to standardize workflows and make them more efficient. Communication now takes place within the portal. The error-proneness of the processes could be significantly reduced.

About Saubermacher

Saubermacher is an Austrian service provider in the field of circular economy, waste disposal and recycling with the claim to make a contribution to an environment worth living in every day. Saubermacher's vision is Zero Waste. In doing so, it focuses on R&D, digital innovations and partnerships.

How can Denovo support you?

We will be happy to advise you and support you in your project.